Ayurveda bedeutet "Wissen vom Leben" und ist eine traditionelle indische Heilkunst. Im Rahmen der ayurvedischen Lehre geht es jedoch nicht nur um die Behandlung von Krankheiten, sondern auch um die Erhaltung der Gesundheit. Ayurveda hat seinen Ursprung in Indien, aber diese heilsame Lebensweise lässt sich auf jeden Ort der Welt übertragen. Mehrtägige Kuren mit einem umfassenden Angebot an Therapien sind nachhaltig und wirksam für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Bei der bekannten Panchakarma-Kur kommen auch tägliche Yoga-Einheiten zum Einsatz.
Ayurveda is a well-known naturopathic system today. Its roots lie in the Vedic tradition. However, Ayurveda is much more than just a healing science. It is a millennia-old knowledge about life and its qualitative improvement. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of the healthy and to cure the illness of the sick. Many of the Ayurvedic measures serve to keep the healthy person healthy. In addition, a variety of therapeutic methods are used to treat diseases.
Ayurvedic teachings work a lot with healing herbs - e.g. in the form of herbal packs. In addition, the head is considered the "gateway to heaven" in Ayurveda. Therefore, the well-known forehead oil pour or face and head massages are used to try to open this gate. Besides the specific applications, the Ayurvedic cuisine is also special.
In the Ayurvedic diet, it is very important how the individual foods, herbs and spices are combined. "To cleanse the body, mind and soul, fresh and seasonal vegetables are used," Astrid Wöhrl, organic hotelier and Ayurvedic chef from the organic hotel AmVieh-Theater in Bavaria, tells us: "In addition, the time and amount of intake, as well as the origin of the food, the energy of the person preparing it and the place where the food is consumed all play a role."
"Prevention is of very great importance," reveals Astrid Wöhrl, who as an Ayurvedic cook at the organic hotel AmVieh-Theater also offers Ayurvedic cooking courses: "There are food combinations and behaviors that can be harmful to us. Traditional home recipes also often contain such combinations. It is therefore important to pay attention and make changes. You don't have to turn your whole life around; often small steps lead to great success. To feel the harmony and balance, that is the goal."
"We offer a delicious Ayurvedic breakfast for our hotel guests. For conferences and seminars we prepare a full Ayurvedic catering. At AmVieh-Theater we have chosen a vegetarian/vegan catering that lacks nothing. This includes the six flavors of sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart. Everything is prepared from regional organic ingredients and enriched with wonderful herbs and spices," informs Astrid Wöhrl.
"I have been fascinated by Ayurveda since my beautiful trip in 2013. It was immediately clear to me that I want to integrate it into my life and profession. The first step was the training as an Ayurvedic cook, in which the fire was ignited even more. Then, at the end of November 2019, the desire was so strong that I decided to dive intensively into this matter. I began with a comprehensive education in the field of nutrition, health and psychology," Astrid Wöhrl from AmVieh Theater reports on her own path to Ayurveda: "My joy and the enrichment that I was allowed to experience through the various courses, retreats and encounters, I would now like to pass on. It is so wonderful to see and feel how small changes in everyday life can already have beneficial effects. I would like to help transfer Ayurveda into the here and now: health and well-being in harmony with the nature in which we live. Ayurveda in Bavarian & for the life situation you are in right now."
The Ayurvedic cure is usually composed of treatments, courses and the diet. After an initial consultation, the Ayurvedic doctor often suggests an abhanga massage at the beginning. It is one of the most effective forms of treatment in Ayurvedic health teachings. Using warm herbal oils, the full-body massage combines several techniques designed to deeply relax and revitalize the body. Herbal bags swirled in hot herbal oil thus dissolve their active ingredients particularly well and release them deep into the tissues. With professionals of the Indian art of healing, such as with the Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Dinu at the Naturhotel Chesa Valisa, you have a wide range of applications to choose from.